
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Beka Kuliani October -4-12 Mr.Hooper Period: 1 In 1789 there was a rotation in France. A revolution is a change in authorities from an absolute monarchy (king) to a government ruled by the people. there were many a(prenominal) trends and effects of the french transformation. There were many causes in cut Revolution that took place in 1789, virtuoso of the causes of French Revolution was that the king made people turn over taxes nevertheless a very large amount of taxes accordingly what the primarily should have paid. The estate holded thirty five explode of the land and were only two percent of the population and the they get by name didnt pay any taxes to the king. One early(a) cause of the French Revolution was that commoners had very subaltern to put up on and were still paying taxes to the king. Also the woman were blind by the life they were living, they couldnt feel anything, couldnt arrest anything, or hear anything, and this was because the pain that was supplied to them and the pain they were feeling when the little ones were enquire for food that the mothers didnt have any to drop dead to her own children. (O.
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I) This were some of the causes of the French revolution. (Doc:1,2,3) After The French Revolution the effects came along. One of the impacts of The French Revolution was the coming of The draw rein Of Terror. When the direct of terror occurred everything went from bad to worst it has ever been for the French people, prisons were e! mergence more crowed dally, and more were going to the scaffold as the Reign Of Terror tightened its hold. Suspicion was now a smiler for imprisonment, and gang and murder were in the air. One man was arrested because he looked noble, some other because a total stranger swore that he supported monarchy. just about were arrested for having been rich, others for being cleaver. (O.I) However French man had had the experience of enjoying at least in theory,...If you need to get a sufficient essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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