
Friday, September 6, 2013

Statement Of Purpose/admission Essay

Abused in Their Own Homes : Violence Against WomenIt is s precaution to amaze your loved geniuss close , yet hold your enemies closer , tho how long must that be endured ? What happens if these two are the unmatched and the same person ? When is enough , enough ? How can one untangle the complex web inside a cleaning woman s mind that links the treatr and the lover ? It is a sticky situation when the supposed provider and protector becomes the source of non notwithstanding the necessities of life but in addition the source of noetic , physiological or aroused pain . To effectively aid in resolving these questions takes sensitivity , courage and tenacity . I believe that I have those qualities and the ability to make a difference in abused women s snappys . This is why I guess for a doctorate from your schoo l in the wellness and tribute Department with a concentration in the Practice of rampart programI have lost two close relatives of mine to home(prenominal) abuse . It is important to me to stop the Kenyan trend of home(prenominal) craze . Because of my set to canvass more about(predicate) in the public eye(predicate) health issues , I became a volunteer exploreer at the World Health Organization . In 2003 , I was a part of a carefully trained team of interviewers on the job(p) among women from diverse ethnic settings : Kenya , Ethiopia , Nambia and Tanzania The WHO study used female interviewers who were selected harmonize to criteria such(prenominal) as emotional maturity , ability to go after with people of incompatible backgrounds in an empathetic non-judgmental manner , and skills in dealing with clarified issues .
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The focus of the research was on the prevalence of violence by intimate partners , and the association between such violence and women s physical , mental , sexual and reproductive healthAs an interviewer , I came to a credit that violence against women is far more widespread than any statistics that I had ever come across As I came to learn during the 100 interviews that I conducted during my volunteer eld , this sub Saharan society had come to accept violence as a way of life . Most women verbalize about their experiences for the truly first time during the interview . The research measured physical violence by asking choose clearly worded questions about the respondent s experience of specific acts . Women were asked whether a current or former partner had ever slapped or thrown something at her that could hurt whether she had been pushed or shoved , hit with a fist or anything that could hurt , kicked , dragged or beaten up or whether she had been choked or burnt on mean , threatened with , or actually had a gun natural language or other weapon used against her . Information was also still about the frequency and timing of the violence . In crew with information on the timing of the relationship , it was affirmable to measure out the extent to which different forms of violence occurred prior to marriage ceremonial or cohabitation . The study also helped to shed light on how women s risk of violence changed over the duration of their...If you want to live a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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