
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sexuality, Contraception, And The Media

of these statistics were each that shocking . Obviously teenagers ar having shake up more than now than in past decades beca habit shortly , depend on is such a common intimacy . It is everywhere . The fact that adolescents atomic number 18 learning more abutting rouse from the media than from their parents probably plays a big role in teenage sexual practise . The merely thing that really struck me as affect is that the United States has higher grade of teen motherliness than anyplace else in the world . We are such a developed country , and yet we realize failed to really teach kids anything about safe sex it delayms . That or they have failed to listen and have chosen instead to sham sexual activity as it is portrayed by the mediaThis relation style that the media basically holds the key to changing the w ay teenagers cuddle sex and safe sex . Since the media is one of the primary means for sex education , the media fanny easily help figure the issues surrounding sex by teaching and influencing teenagers in an permit manner . For example , kind of than broadcasting sitcoms where unexampled adults suck up in casual , shaky sex , the media should focus on introducing kids to safe sex practicesI abruptly agree with this statement . stir is everywhere in the Statesn media . Movies , television , music , it all screams sex . In America , sex sells . Even commercials are sexually suggestive . It is out of the question to avoid , especially when we set wind the measuring of time we devolve wrapped up in the mediaI think there should be more contraceptive tug in the media . If we are discharge to allow the media to be sexually suggestive , then it is only reasonable for us to withdraw that the media advertise methods of safe sex .
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Obviously adolescents pay circumspection to what they experience via television and radiocommunication , so it seems like a perfect way to discover and reiterate the content we indispensableness to send to kids and young adults . The advertising would be no more offensive than the sexual relate material itselfThe most strategic , in my opinion , is the use of contraceptives being portrayed by the media as part of standard , healthy sexual relationships I think a colossal factor in sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy has to do with the pressure see by missys . We have all seen television shows where the boy pressures the girl to have sex without withal a condom . That message sticks wit h young girls and teaches them that sex without protective cover is pleasing to their partners . Of chassis young girls aim to young boys , so they repeat what they see . If the use of contraceptives was portrayed as design by the media more kids would be apt to using them , olibanum decreasing the amount of unwanted teenage pregnancies and the number of young adults with STDs...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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