
Saturday, September 21, 2013

How Far Did Freedom and Hatred Both Exist in American Society in the 1920s?

How far did plaindom and hatred both exist in American Society in the 1920s? The intense economic crop in America in the 1920s brush the existence into an unfamiliar consumerist society. For the first time, more concourse were support in cities and so attitudes inevitably changed sometimes for the better hardly sometimes for the worst. America claimed to be the land of the free nevertheless this was non ceaselessly true for every(prenominal) star. Although the 20s brought new ideas, these ideas might non always be possessed of been in the interest of providing a free nation for every and indeed may have caused accession hatred in society. The first world war did not directly pervert American society and in feature was beneficial as demand for American goods increased. As a result of this in that location was a extensive amount of scientific and industrial progress. An suit of this is the motor car industry which provided capacious amounts of exemption. The Ford fruit line meant that prices could be kept lower-ranking and this, coupled with a generous credit system, led to huge song of cars world sold; in 1929 there was one car for every five Americans. As well as the immunity of travel, this crabbed industry allowed several other businesses such as receipts stations to develop creating more jobs and and so more freedom.
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As well as this, the development of trade union nominal head saving devices such as the vacuum cleaner meant that pack had more free time. One group that was particularly effectuate was American women. By 1920, the 19th Amendment had been passed meaning women could vote. Furthermore! , increasing metrical composition of women worked white collar jobs such as stenographers and could therefore authorize to contribute to the growing consumer economy. More wealth meant more freedom and the fashions of the times reflected this; corsets were swapped for loose fitting and comfortable flapper dresses, women smoked in public, wore make up and were increasingly sexually liberated. However, this freedom sole(prenominal) effected a small minority of young,...If you want to stick almost a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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