
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Prehistory of Bangladesh

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh GED degree centigrade Bangladesh Studies Afsana Anjum referee Room 602 The course is concerned with the political, cultural, social and economic biography of Bengal that dates binding to 320 B. C. with the line drawing towards the present. Daily lifestyle, society, religion, culture, wealth of Bengal in other spoken communication how this nation gradually evolved into todays Bangladesh is the main structure of this subject.With that, come formation, agriculture system, industry, trade and commerce, religious activities, language and literature, sculpture, art architecture- in unity word all sort of activities of the people of Bengal that evolved from thousand years agone is the theme of this subject. We are trying here to find the root and get across to our present standing point in world civilization. Grading 100 Points whole 1 Environmental Background weather and climate, land formation, river system, industrial plant and fauna, minera l resources, demography, culture and religionUnit 2 Prehistory of Bangladesh Unit 3 ahead of time historic time (500 BC- 320 AD) Mshasthangarh and Wari-Bateshswar Unit 4 Late Historic Era-1 (320 550 AD) Gupta Era Unit 5 Late Historic Era-2 (525 750 AD) Sasanka, Gopachandra, Dharmaditya, Samachardeva, Khadga, Rata, Deva Unit 6 wee Medieval Era (750 1230 AD) Pala, Chandra, Sena, Varman Unit 7Medieval Period (1204 1650) Sulatanate and Mughal Unit 8Coming of Europeans and East India CompanyUnit 9Liberation Movements Beginning of Communalism, produce of East Pakistan (1947), Language Movement (1948 52), Juktafront Electiuons (1954) , Six Point movement (1966), fortune movement of 1969 and Election in 1970, Liberation War (1971) Unit10 Political history of Bangladesh from Independence Unit 11 Bangladesh achievements and challenges Unit 12 Review what weve learned. References Books Banglapedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh Bangladesher Etihas, 2006, Dr. Rahim, Dr.Chowdhury, Dr. Mahmud and Dr. Islam (Nouroj) History of Bengal- Vol 1 & 2 (Dhaka University) History of Bangladesh- Vol1, 2 & 3 (AsiaticSociety of Bangladesh) A History of Bangladesh- Williem Van Schendel History of Bengali language people- Nitish Sen Gupta Geography of Bangladesh, 1991, Haroun Er Rashid, UPL Bangladesh on the threshold of twenty first Century- redact by Fakrul Alam & A. M. Chowdhury (Asiatic Society of Bangladesh) Bengali Literature, V C Ghosh, Oxford University PressEconomic Geography of Bangladesh- Dr. Harun ur Rashid Online Wikipedia www. wikipedia. com http//bpedia. org/ http//www. banglapedia. org/httpdocs/bangla/index. htm http//countrystudies. us/bangladesh/ Internet History Sourcebooks Project http//www. fordham. edu/halsall/ Project Gutenberg http//www. Gutenberg. org/wiki/Main_Page http//www. historyguide. org/ancient/lecture18b. hypertext mark-up language http//www. hyperhistory. com/online_n2/History_n2/a. html

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