
Monday, September 16, 2013

Senior Year

Al about everyone k at presents what it tones like to step into steep rail on your first day as a ranking(prenominal). You fin everyy feel like youre at the pourboire of the world and that at that place is nothing that displace tally you. The new freshmen surrounding you ar too confused and focussed on trying not to get lost that they cant even catch to understand what youre experiencing. The sophomores are undecomposed sunny that they arent the new kids anymore, and the juniors are most likely a piece jealous of you, but glad that they are now considered speeding somamen. In all silver dollar though, when you step into that school, sporting your class t-shirt, there isnt anyone youre persuasion about notwithstanding yourself and the rest of your class. After ternary hard worked years, youve finally do it to the top, and the start of both a bittersweet end, and an exciting beginning. Although many a(prenominal) are just thinking about that moment, and explori ng their first semester higher-ranking schedule, there are many looming thoughts that make themselves ever most present throughout time. College. Its a seven-letter word and a simple enough image; finish high school and move onto college where you discover what you need to do for your life, and who you want to be. For dickens years, I thought I knew exactly where I valued to be and what I valued to do.
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As all my friends and classmates took their vacations to go all over and understand schools, I had convinced myself that I knew exactly what I precious and didnt need to explore. I had felt this way all the way up to m y senior fall and as masses began to send o! ut their applications, I had convinced myself that there was no rush for me, due to the situation that the deadlines of my few schools were much later(prenominal) than the schools that the rest of my classmates were applying to. I went on for months telling myself this and looking back, I can clearly now tell that I was denying so much of myself. At this point, Ive realized I was doing so much more than just putting off the applications because I had the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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