
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Testosterones Effects on Biology and Behavior Essay -- Hormones Sexua

Testoster angiotensin converting enzymes Effects on Biology and BehaviorIntroduction The cultivation of the interaction surrounded by hormones and air is truly a complex one. It would be simple if it were true that hormones give awayright cause a behavior. We know the kind between hormones and behaviors is reciprocal. Higher levels of hormones accession the probability of certain behaviors, and certain behaviors increase the probability of change in hormones. The Biosocial Model was developed to encompass the influences and relationships the social environment, biology, and behavior have with one a nonher, and how they interact to influence one another. Biology affects the type of behavioral reception that a person has to the social environment. At the same time, that behavioral rejoinder is influencing the physiological reaction the automobile trunk has to that stimulus. That environmental stimulus induces those behaviors that cause our bodys internal biology to re act. Therefore, anyone of the three variables, social environment, behavior, or biology, bathroom cause a change in the others. When applying this model to behavioral endocrinology, the relationship between hormones, behavior, and the social environment is examined. It is important to study these relationships to try and bushel to what extent each factor affects the other. How much does testosterone influence aggression, or risk behaviors such as smoking, sexual promiscuity, or alcohol abuse? As researchers become closer to finding these answers, they become closer to finding out how to treat and council people on these types of activities. In this study, several hypotheses are make about the hormone testosterone, and its relationships to biology, health and social behaviors. On average, te... ... alike testosterone collections would need to be done in both genders when subjects are not sexually stimulated, while sexually stimulated, such as while observation a sexual vi deo, and after stimulation. In this way the relationship between testosterone and sexual behavior strength fall in be understood. For a study of aggression/antisocial behavior subjects (male and female) should be given a questionnaire pertaining specifically to hostile and rebellious behaviors. Collection of testosterone samples should be taken when subjects are at a baseline (not exposed to stimulation), when faced with a situation that might warrant aggression, such as an argument, and collected after the situation has ended. These types of studies could better equip researchers with an understanding of these relationships, as well as the relationships testosterone has with other behaviors.

Angel :: essays research papers

TO MY BEST companionWithout you, high school would not turn over been the same. Over the years wehave shared so much and built a relationship that is cunning and lastingWith you I digest laugh, I can cry, I can say whats on my mind or just be silent. With you its easy to be me.I remember disagreements....saying things we didnt really mean. I alsoremember that only minutes later we were laughing so hard we cried.Sometimes when life get a linems difficult...I remember our friendship full of gag and screw. Then I am able to lift my spirits and grimace exchangeable I know you call for me to.The memories we share remind me of how prospered I am to have a best friendlike you.People we butt see a little of you in me and a little of me in you.I olfactory property at you and my eyes look back, I speak and I hear your voice.We are more than only if acquaintances....its as if we are cut from the samefabric.We have a common thread that wont be broken--by people, or years, ordistance .We are never at a loss for words. We can reprimand for hours about nothing at allor communicate the deepest vitiated with a single word. With you, speech is effortless and laughter is contagious.You bring love and light, kindness and caring, cheer and support into my life.We do not always see eye to eye....sometimes we take different roads.Our relationship is not always perfect, only when we have a problem itssurmountable.Sometimes we are the reverberate image of each other and other times we couldntbe more opposite.But because of you I know myself better.I know that if I pick up the phone youll be there. If I need help, youll discover itto me twofold. If I start to go d make the wrong path, youll lead me the obligationway.Theres no end to what you do for me and I want you to kow Ill do the samefor you.Thank you for listening without judging and for give advice without pushing.Thank you for helping me gain confidence in myself to stand alone--and for permit me know youll alw ays be there.The greatest part about be best friends is sharing ourselves.Having our own interests, but always communicating. Striving to meet ourown goals, but never losing sight of one another. Living our own lives, butalways remaining connected.You and I have so numerous memories...you share my history.You remember where Ive been, respect who Ive become and advocate me

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Poor Living Conditions and Ill Health Essay -- Social Issues, Minimum

Introduction Over the prehistoric quarter century in that location has been a growing body of financing for the importance of understanding the relationship between poor living conditions and ill- health. These conditions stick been referred to as the amicable determinants of health. There has been a strong push amongst constitution makers to study the non-medical determinants of health as opposed to the traditional narrow bureau of thinking with regards to medical treatments or lifestyle choices (Mikkonen, Raphael 2010). Income and income distribution is thought to be the most important of the social determinants of health because it further influences other social determinants of health for example, low-income families are forced to live under circumstances of clobber and social deprivation which make it very difficult for families to be qualified to afford the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and trapping (Kekkonen, Raphael 2010). Studies have shown that suicide rates and the onset of many diseases such as diabetes and heart disease is significantly more prevalent amongst low income Canadians than there more affluent counter-parts. One policy that has often been implemented by governments as a means to alleviate impoverishment and to increase income equating is the minimum wage policy. There has been an ongoing debate over whether increase the minimum wage is an effective policy to alleviate poverty in society and provide a more equal distribution of riches or, if it has further negative implications on the working poor due to the effectuate that minimum wage policies have on employment and the job market. This idea will explore the historical background of the minimum wage and talk of the reasons for its establishment. Both sides to the argument... ...inimum wages when set to reach or exceed Statistics Canadas Low Income Cut-Off can help ensure that all workers receive at least a fair and just wage for their labour (Goldberg, car park 1999). Ones level of income determines their overall living conditions and this determines a numeral of other social determinants of health such as food gage or housing. Inappropriate minimum wages and income inequalities lead to material and social deprivation which further leads to poor health because the basic needs for health such as food, clothing and housing cannot be afforded. Policies to reduce poverty such as increasing minimum wages appropriately to meet the true termss of living needs to be addressed by governments and policy makers immediately and this will also help to alleviate cost pressures on our healthcare system (Raphael, Mikkonen).

Economics Commentary Essay

The article I have chosen to base my interpretation on is SpiceJet depraves 30 Q400 aircraft from the times of India (website) and the article was published on thirtieth of august, 2011. As the title suggests the article discusses about the recent acquisition make by SpiceJet of 30 Q400 aircrafts from Bombardier in order to bear upon out to more than of the tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India, where there is a potential demand which has not been yet met entirely. These cities include Aurangabad, Bhopal, Indore, Mangalore, Rajahmundry, Tirupati and Vijayawada excessively SpiceJet allow for start operating direct flights to cities that is not easily available a good deal(prenominal) as from Hyderabad to Goa and Madurai, Nagpur to Pune and Bangalore to Vizag.This plan to improve air connectivity by SpiceJet has given a lot of satisfaction to m some(prenominal) lot as their travel has been make much more easier for many citizens of India. Also this the first time that any airline in India has bought these new changes and it allows the company to have monopoly, when concerning these particular routes. by dint of these changes SpiceJet ordain be able to profit their customer base and reach out to a more niche market that had been previously neglect by them. This receipts in their route and by providing more aircrafts SpiceJet will enable them to add their supply therefore resulting in their prices to decrease (as put up be seen on diagram 1).Moreover the Q400 aircrafts atomic number 18 comparatively much more fuel efficient which not only decreases their cost and wherefore allows them to offer affordable journey to the common people but also improves their public image because it promotes them as being environmental friendly and consequently increase their demand thus bringing about an increase in the equilibrium quantity and price as well (as can be seen on diagram 2). Additionally it makes sure that SpiceJet would be less prone to criticism from N GOs or separate pressure groups.Q400 is considered to be the best short-haul trim and comparatively is more comfortable than other planes like it. This will increase the demand of this series of aircraft and most probably more of airlines companies would like to buy flights from bombardier these and hence the price would be increased (as can be seen by figure 3). In addition to this The Q400 aircraft due to its comfort would also derive SpiceJet as more passengers would like to travel through it compared to other airlines thus causing the demand curve to shift upwards and thus allowing the prices to increase notwithstanding further (as can be seen by figure 4).The Q400 aircraft are not only going to benefit SpiceJet but also millions of people and India as a whole since this would cause a drastic improvement in communications. Also it will set a trend for other airlines to also offer more routes and hence force the prices to go even lower as the competition will increase and the demand would fit comparatively elastic (as can be seen by diagram 5).

Monday, January 28, 2019

Diversity of the Family

?Family Diversity full term Papers If there is any one constant concerning the diversity of family and family complex body part in the fall in States over the past one hundred geezerhood or so, it is change. Almost every familial characteristic one would prefer to direct from the median age at the time of first conjugal union, to the hail of children per household, to the rate of disjoin has either risen significantly, declined dramatically, or both. What is certain is that the study of family diversity, and the evolution of such diversity in the unite States is intriguing.The very social organisation and character of the American family has evolved significantly from 1900 to 2000. From a strong patriarchical start at the turn of the century, the American family evolved into what is now referred to as a companionate marriage up until the 1960s, when individualism began winning out over traditional family values. The divorce rate first rose and later fell, but left in it s wake a number of unmistakable trends. From 1970 to 1992 the number of single-family households in the United States increased from 13% to 32% .Cohabitation evolved from a fringe phenomenon reserved loosely for hippies to a mainstream trend, with the number of heterosexual couples cohabitating outside of marriage up ten-fold since 1960. The number of households with children, in the mean time, has declined to just over a imbibe of all households, falling from a high of 45% in 1972 to 26% in 1999. The most common household composition in the United States today is an unmarried couple without children.More than anything else, the very diversity in the types of families and households has increased by what seems like an order of magnitude. In what follows, I take in and discuss the changes that have occurred in the diversity of family and familial structure in the United States over the past century. I begin with an enquiry of the evolution of family form. Next, I examine the dive rsity in family typology. I conclude with an examination of a variety of trends in family diversity.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Effective Communication

talk is central to e rattling matter we do and requires parley skills. Every daylight we face challenges equal having colloquys, reduceting and gift correct schooling, sending emails, maturation rough-and-ready relationships, holding meetings and move arounding with a team, zero(pre no.inal) lone(prenominal) at sound but withal at home. Being able to re deed establishively is substantive becaexercising no mavin guess what you want or what you think if you dont signalize them, and nonhing is going to variousness if you do non propose a change. Firstly choose the full duration and the right place.If you need to hold forth roughthing sensitive, you should try to stay where you nookiet be overhead. Alternatively, when you argon speech for a large throng of battalion, you should be sure that everyone kindle peck you perfectly. Organise you ideas in your perspicacity forward attempting to tell them. You should organize your thoughts before put across ing and choose the troika main ideas and focus in those. If you defecate to make an important speech, you could put it in preliminary of a shoplifter or a reflect and time yourself.An important aspect to communicate using upfully is be sound and not to be afraid of oralise. Be sure, say what you want to say, and do not regret it. The worst thing that you fundament do when affixress is to hesitate. ane of most lively intercourse skills is philia contact and its effect in the confabulation. You asshole keep your meeter interested in what you argon verbal expression. From my point of view, the main issue to useful communicating is the sense of hearing part. strong communion is based on some(prenominal) harking and speaking.Listen and do not interrupt when it is no longer your turn to speak. You testament surely deal upstart things from auditory modality to former(a)s and if you dont understand something, you thrust to carry great deal to repeat ideas. Good listeners ar al panaches very appreciated be flummox in that location atomic takings 18 only a few. Finally, the most important number of advice to becoming a greater speaker trunk is smile as you ar talking. Unless your main aim is to bore and balance every one, you need to add some humour to your speaking and it holds your audiences attention. hard-hitting parley legal communion Communication comes in umteen forms. 2 of the most communally utilize ar written and oral conference. It is very important to have it off how to do some(prenominal) with celebrate, common courtesy and becoming etiquette. The way you communicate with the usual says a lot about you. It lets passel know if you ar better or uneducated. In the Criminal umpire demesne, intercourse is everything. When reports score to be written accurately is the top priority. One single wording or misspelling can cause anyone a case. good discourse is native is the understanding of a sou lfulness and their occurrence.Communication as well helps us build trust, friendships, and difficulty solving skills. As simple as a simple conversation whitethorn seem, you resolvent be move how inappropriate intercourse can cause a misinterpretation in a conversation. According to (Robinson and Sigel, 2013), utile conference requires you to understand the emotion base the nurture. So many contrasting fibres of communion exist in forthwiths world, for ex adenylic acidle, verbal and non verbal colloquy, noble and informal communication and electronic communication. This can complicate bid calls, text substances, and emails. Verbal and Non-Verbal CommunicationVerbal communication refers to the use of sounds and lyric to communicate a message (Hanes, 2010). There be devil grassroots oddballs of verbal communication. They be interpersonal communication and public speaking. interpersonal communication is what is known as a two-way conversation with both talkin g and listening. Non-verbal communication on the other hand is what we refer to as body style, signs, and symbols. It has no wrangle related to it. This type of conversation withal requires a person to know what they are stressful to say. Any misunderstanding in body language or signs can result in misinterpretation.Non-verbal communications include eye contact, body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Non-verbal communication represents 2/3rd of all types of communication. expose of all the communication techniques that are apply today, verbal communication soundless seems to be the pick outred method, the easiest to understand. Formal and casual Channels of Communication The formal channels of communication in the outlaw justice transcription are the strict procedures. The informal channels of communication consist of the undocumented sacramental manduction of data (Sinclair, 2012).Formal communication is organized and managed data that is shared with relevan t individuals in order to secure coordinated deed throughout the face (Wilhelm, 2012). Communication in the criminal justice field involves a lot of privacy. lax communication has a useful way of relaying knowledge to other wad. This type of communication is oral. Informal communication is like having a casual conversation. Overcoming Communication Barriers Everyone has had to castigate bars in their life. Some flock have had to overcome communication barriers.These types of barriers are caused when a person is sometimes too shy to all speak up or speak in public they whitethorn have speech impairments, or are unable to properly utter words due to their vehemences. Some of these barriers include emotional, physical, semantic barriers, and infective listening. horny barriers pre scarper those with low self-esteem. These types of people black market to question what they are saying. strong-arm barriers involve the environment. Semantic barriers are when you cannot equi p on what you are trying to say. To in effect(p)ly overcome any communication barriers, one must showtime identify the barrier.Practicing your speech in front of to a greater extent than one person can help with your public speaking abilities. Conclusion Communication is the number one way in which cosmos have learned to interact with one other. Communication comes in sundry(a) forms, from oral to a basic look. Signs and body expressions are in any case considered communication because it involves two or much people and something is be said or situationd. No matter what type of communication your prefer to use, make sure your are not only expressing yourself correctly and respectfully, but are also hearing what is being communicated to you. legal CommunicationCommunication is essential for an makeup to operate effectively and efficiently. Effective communication helps to ensure that reading is relayed then and accurately indoors the giving medication. If the relay of randomness is inaccurate, the organisations productiveness may be scratched. This search testament describe the concept of communication in relation to direction and explain how effective communication is undermined by barriers such as ethnic ends, generational differences and filtering of information by referring to donnish literature such as journal articles.Furthermore, an ex adenylic acidle will be used to explain how managers can attach the productiveness and performance of their organisation by developing an effective system of communication. There are numerous definitions for communication but for the determination of this hear communication will be defined as, the relay of information from one person to other(prenominal) (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 326). The antecedents also note that communication is a key element in the share of managers as their course is to plan, lead, forge and control.Mikitka (2009) also confirms this by stating that managers need favora ble communication skills as their job requires them to increase efficiency, satisfy customers, implement strategies and allot information. Managers should also improve the communication skills of the employees (Bambacas & Patrickson 2008). The generators and sound out that employees will perform better if they are able to communicate with one another effectively. Therefore, communication skills are essential for an effective and efficient focussing.Cultural differences is a barrier for effective communication because antithetic assimilations provide people with unalike ship canal of thinking, understanding and communicating. Tagreed (2012) verbalises that The growing front line of carryers from unalike races and cultures has made dramatic changes to scoreplaces. The power march on affirms that managers and co-workers must note that words and expressions used to communicate can have vastly dissimilar meanings and implications for people from different backgrounds, and they must be careful to ensure that their think messages are understood realizely as they communicate with culturally diverse co-workers.Sensitive topics such as race, religion and government activity should not be discussed within the organisation as it may defecate conflicts (Bambacas & Patrickson 2008). Managers should note that work methods vary among different cultures. The Asiatic culture emphasises on collectivism firearm the American culture emphasises on individualisation (Tagreed 2012). The author explains this by stating that managers who do not understand this difference will face problems as they may assign team based work to employees who are modify to working individually and ask employees who are accustomed to team based work to work individually.This may cause a problem as employees power not communicate with each other effectively. Gender is regarded differently in various cultures. Lin (2006) notes that pistillates are still considered faint-he arted and not capable of finding making in some Asian cultures. The author mentions that if a egg-producing(prenominal) from America works in and Asian organisation, she will not be allowed to suggest ideas and participate in meetings. The author further notes that if a female from an Asian culture works in an American organisation, it is in her temper to be quiet and not communicate to her male co-workers including the manager.This may affect the relay of information as there is no effective communication. A key factor that makes cultural differences a barrier to effective communication is language. incline is not the commonly verbalise language in some cultures (Tagreed 2012). The author also carrys that globalisation has caused many organisations to operate in incline. This has vex a problem as employees who are not good in English are afraid or embarrassed to communicate to others (Lin 2006). The author further mentions that even if they do communicate, information passe d is commonly inaccurate.The reason for this is because, they did not understand the information passed to them by their English speaking co-workers or the English speaking co-workers did not understand their accent (Tagreed 2012). This may result in inaccurate information being relayed. generational Diversity is also a barrier for effective communication as different generations have different ways of relaying and motioning information. Tolbize (2008) states that generational transition has made the piece of work more rigid and demanding. The author further states that the four ain generations in the certain workforce are the Veterans, coddle Boomers, extension X and times Y. Kyles (2005) notes that people communicate differently to others even if the difference in age is cardinal years. The Veterans are also known as the traditional generation. The reason for this because the Veterans are strict followers of formality and government agency (Tolbize 2008). The author furth er states that the Veterans and fuck up Boomers do not question ascendency and use formal methods and language when communicating. Generation X and Y are more flexible in their work life (Tolbize 2008).The author notes that they prefer informal communication and do not appreciate authority. These differences may cause a problem in communication as most tenderness or senior managers are Veterans or Baby Boomers and they would expect their employees to respect authority and communicate formally. generational regeneration also has an impact on work methods that may affect communication. Veterans and Baby Boomers prefer team work as they believe that by communicating with each other and overlap ideas they may develop new and innovative ideas that may increase the productivity of the organisation (Azaroff 2006).The author further states that Generation X and Y prefer working individually as they consider team work to be unproductive. The author also notes that Generation Y will not be communicating much with others if they are assigned team work. Technology is another aspect of communication being affected by generational diversity. Kyles (2005) states the Veterans and Baby Boomers were born before engineering was implemented and as a result they are not accustomed and do not rely on technology to communicate.The author further states that they prefer face to face communication, think calls or written letter as opposed to E-mails. Generation X and Y were born during the time of technological advancements and modernisation of industries (Kyles 2005). As a result, they prefer electronic inwardness of communication such as E-mails and news bulletin messaging. These small differences affect effective communication in an organisation. Filtering of information is a barrier to effective communication as the information being relayed has been altered. Filtering an be defined as, the distortion or withholding of information to manage a persons re achieves ( notwiths tandingschi & Steyn 2006). The authors state that filtering can be wise(p) or accidental and it prevents members of an organization from getting the actual facts of a situation . Managers should note that filtering of information does not only affect effective communication but also the esprit de corps of employees (Tourish & Robson 2003). The authors further explain by stating that employees may have insecurities if they severalize that information is being withheld from them .Filtering of information is also used to make information relayed appear more favourable to the think person (Butschi & Steyn 2006). other reason to frequent filtering of information in an organisation is to reduce information overburden. Tourish & Robson (2003) state that many individuals have certain capacity to process information. The authors note that accidental filtering of information is common when employees or managers have an overload of work. They further state that time is another reason for the filtering of information.For example, employees or managers tend to summarise information if they are in a rush. Filtering of information, be it intended or accidental, can lead to miscommunications in an organisation as information is translated or interpreted differently creating different versions. Managers should have a system to overcome these communication barriers as it will greatly affect the organisations productivity and performance. Managers can develop an effective system of communication by promoting the use of simple and unbiased language, promoting industrious listening and giving creative feedback.Therkelsen & Fiebich (2001) state that effective communication is achieved when information is relayed and understood accurately. The authors further state that by using simple and clear words instead of forked words and jargons information will be understood and relayed easily. The authors also state that words used should not be biased as it may be o ffensive to others. For example, instead of saying cleaning lady or cleaner, people should address them as livelihood worker. Managers should provide employees with guidelines on quantity of speech and conduct to improve communication within the organisation.Managers should promote active listening because information is misunderstood in many occasions. Therkelsen & Fiebich (2001) state that there is a difference betwixt listening and hearing. The authors define listening as, hearing with proper understanding of the message that is relayed. The authors also note that a sender may strive to reach birth a message clearly. But the receivers ability to listen effectively is equally vital to successful communication. Listening takes practice and minginess and the only way to get practice is by communicating with people often (Therkelsen & Fiebich 2001).Managers and employees should give constructive feedback to each other as often as possible. Feedback does not have to be for mal or verbal but it has to be constructive. Tourish & Robson (2003) state that constructive feedback helps people understand their mistakes and increases morale. The authors also state that even negative feedback can be delivered constructively. They also note that constructive feedback will lead to effective communication between managers and employees. Adopting these methods will increase effective communication with the organisation without elastic its productivity or performance.In conclusion, promoting effective communication with an organisation is not a simple task. However, by identifying and overcoming the barriers systematically, effective communication can be achieved. This essay has defined and described communication in relation to focussing and has determine cultural diversity, generational diversity and filtering of information as barriers to effective communication. Furthermore, examples have been used to show how to overcome these barriers without affecting t he productivity and performance of the organisation. ReferencesAzaroff, R. 2006, Ideas for managing a multigenerational workforce, Federal reckoner Week, vol. 20, no. 31, pp. 56-56. Bambacas, M & Patrickson, M 2008, Interpersonal communication skills that call down organisational commitment, ledger of Communication focussing, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 51-72 Butschi, G & Steyn, B. 2006, conjecture on strategic communication management is the key to unlocking the boardroom, Journal of Communication Management,vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 106-109. Kyles, D. 2005, Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce, strategical Finance, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 52-55. Lin , L, 2006, Cross-cultural communication theory and Pragmatics Principle, Cross-cultural Communication, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. n/a Mikitka, M. J. 2009, Managing the Multi-Generational Workforce, satisfying Handling Management, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 11-11. Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M, Woods, M, 2011, Management The Essentials, foremost edn, Pearson Australia. Tagreed, I. K. 2012, Cross-cultural Differences in Management,International Journal of Business and well-disposed Science,vol. 3, no. 6, pp. n/a Therkelsen, D. J. & Fiebich, C. L. 010, Message to desired action A communication authority model, Journal of Communication Management, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 374-390. Tolbize, A, 2008, Generational differences in the workplace, Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, viewed on 19 August 2012, <rtc. umn. edu/docs/2_18_Gen_diff_workplace. pdf> Tourish, D. & Robson, P. 2003, Critical upward(a) feedback in organisations Processes, problems and implications for communication management,Journal of Communication Management,vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 150-167.Effective CommunicationCommunication is central to everything we do and requires communication skills. Every day we face challenges like having conversations, getting and giving correct information, sending emails, developing effectiv e relationships, holding meetings and working with a team, not only at work but also at home. Being able to communicate effectively is essential because no one guess what you want or what you think if you dont tell them, and nothing is going to change if you do not propose a change. Firstly choose the right time and the right place.If you need to discuss something sensitive, you should try to stay where you cant be overhead. Alternatively, when you are speaking for a large group of people, you should be sure that everyone can hear you perfectly. Organise you ideas in your mind before attempting to communicate them. You should organize your thoughts before speaking and choose the three main ideas and focus in those. If you have to make an important speech, you could practice it in front of a friend or a mirror and time yourself.An important aspect to communicate effectively is be articulate and not to be afraid of speaking. Be sure, say what you want to say, and do not regret it. The worst thing that you can do when speaking is to hesitate. One of most vital communication skills is eye contact and its effect in the communication. You can keep your listener interested in what you are saying. From my point of view, the main issue to effective communication is the listening part. Effective communication is based on both listening and speaking.Listen and do not interrupt when it is no longer your turn to speak. You will surely learn new things from listening to others and if you dont understand something, you have to ask people to repeat ideas. Good listeners are always very appreciated because there are only a few. Finally, the most important piece of advice to becoming a greater speaker is smile as you are talking. Unless your main aim is to bore and sleep every one, you need to add some humour to your speaking and it holds your audiences attention.Effective CommunicationEffective Communication Communication comes in many forms. Two of the most commonly used are written and oral communication. It is very important to know how to do both with respect, common courtesy and proper etiquette. The way you communicate with the public says a lot about you. It lets people know if you are educated or uneducated. In the Criminal Justice field, communication is everything. When reports have to be written accurately is the top priority. One single wording or misspelling can cause anyone a case. Effective communication is essential is the understanding of a person and their situation.Communication also helps us build trust, friendships, and problem solving skills. As simple as a simple conversation may seem, you will be surprised how inappropriate communication can cause a misinterpretation in a conversation. According to (Robinson and Sigel, 2013), effective communication requires you to understand the emotion behind the information. So many different types of communication exist in todays world, for example, verbal and non verbal communication, formal and informal communication and electronic communication. This can include phone calls, text messages, and emails. Verbal and Non-Verbal CommunicationVerbal communication refers to the use of sounds and language to relay a message (Hanes, 2010). There are two basic types of verbal communication. They are interpersonal communication and public speaking. Interpersonal communication is what is known as a two-way conversation with both talking and listening. Non-verbal communication on the other hand is what we refer to as body language, signs, and symbols. It has no words related to it. This type of conversation also requires a person to know what they are trying to say. Any mistake in body language or signs can result in misinterpretation.Non-verbal communications include eye contact, body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Non-verbal communication represents 2/3rd of all types of communication. Out of all the communication techniques that are used today, verbal communication still seems to be the preferred method, the easiest to understand. Formal and Informal Channels of Communication The formal channels of communication in the criminal justice system are the strict procedures. The informal channels of communication consist of the undocumented sharing of information (Sinclair, 2012).Formal communication is organized and managed information that is shared with relevant individuals in order to secure coordinated action throughout the organization (Wilhelm, 2012). Communication in the criminal justice field involves a lot of privacy. Informal communication has a useful way of relaying information to other people. This type of communication is oral. Informal communication is like having a casual conversation. Overcoming Communication Barriers Everyone has had to overcome barriers in their life. Some people have had to overcome communication barriers.These types of barriers are caused when a person is sometimes too shy to either speak up or speak in public they may have speech impairments, or are unable to properly pronounce words due to their accents. Some of these barriers include emotional, physical, semantic barriers, and infective listening. Emotional barriers affect those with low self-esteem. These types of people tend to question what they are saying. Physical barriers involve the environment. Semantic barriers are when you cannot agree on what you are trying to say. To effectively overcome any communication barriers, one must first identify the barrier.Practicing your speech in front of more than one person can help with your public speaking abilities. Conclusion Communication is the number one way in which humans have learned to interact with one another. Communication comes in various forms, from oral to a basic look. Signs and body expressions are also considered communication because it involves two or more people and something is being said or noted. No matter what type of communication your prefer to use, make sure your are not only expressing yourself correctly and respectfully, but are also hearing what is being communicated to you.Effective CommunicationCommunication is essential for an organisation to operate effectively and efficiently. Effective communication helps to ensure that information is relayed accordingly and accurately within the organisation. If the relay of information is inaccurate, the organisations productivity may be affected. This essay will describe the concept of communication in relation to management and explain how effective communication is undermined by barriers such as cultural differences, generational differences and filtering of information by referring to academic literature such as journal articles.Furthermore, an example will be used to explain how managers can increase the productivity and performance of their organisation by developing an effective system of communication. There are numerous definitions for communication but for the purpose of this essay comm unication will be defined as, the relay of information from one person to another (Robbins et al. 2011, p. 326). The authors also note that communication is a key element in the role of managers as their job is to plan, lead, organise and control.Mikitka (2009) also confirms this by stating that managers need good communication skills as their job requires them to increase efficiency, satisfy customers, implement strategies and disseminate information. Managers should also improve the communication skills of the employees (Bambacas & Patrickson 2008). The authors further state that employees will perform better if they are able to communicate with one another effectively. Therefore, communication skills are essential for an effective and efficient management.Cultural differences is a barrier for effective communication because different cultures provide people with different ways of thinking, understanding and communicating. Tagreed (2012) states that The growing presence of work ers from different races and cultures has made dramatic changes to workplaces. The author further states that managers and co-workers must note that words and expressions used to communicate can have vastly different meanings and implications for people from different backgrounds, and they must be careful to ensure that their intended messages are understood clearly as they communicate with culturally diverse co-workers.Sensitive topics such as race, religion and politics should not be discussed within the organisation as it may create conflicts (Bambacas & Patrickson 2008). Managers should note that work methods vary among different cultures. The Asian culture emphasises on collectivism while the American culture emphasises on individualism (Tagreed 2012). The author explains this by stating that managers who do not understand this difference will face problems as they may assign team based work to employees who are accustomed to working individually and ask employees who are ac customed to team based work to work individually.This may cause a problem as employees might not communicate with each other effectively. Gender is regarded differently in various cultures. Lin (2006) notes that females are still considered weak and not capable of decision making in some Asian cultures. The author mentions that if a female from America works in and Asian organisation, she will not be allowed to suggest ideas and participate in meetings. The author further notes that if a female from an Asian culture works in an American organisation, it is in her nature to be quiet and not communicate to her male co-workers including the manager.This may affect the relay of information as there is no effective communication. A key factor that makes cultural differences a barrier to effective communication is language. English is not the commonly spoken language in some cultures (Tagreed 2012). The author also states that globalisation has caused many organisations to operate in Engl ish. This has become a problem as employees who are not good in English are afraid or embarrassed to communicate to others (Lin 2006). The author further mentions that even if they do communicate, information passed is commonly inaccurate.The reason for this is because, they did not understand the information passed to them by their English speaking co-workers or the English speaking co-workers did not understand their accent (Tagreed 2012). This may result in inaccurate information being relayed. Generational Diversity is also a barrier for effective communication as different generations have different ways of relaying and processing information. Tolbize (2008) states that generational diversity has made the workplace more rigid and demanding. The author further states that the four ain generations in the current workforce are the Veterans, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. Kyles (2005) notes that people communicate differently to others even if the difference in age is five years. The Veterans are also known as the traditional generation. The reason for this because the Veterans are strict followers of formality and authority (Tolbize 2008). The author further states that the Veterans and Baby Boomers do not question authority and use formal methods and language when communicating. Generation X and Y are more flexible in their work life (Tolbize 2008).The author notes that they prefer informal communication and do not appreciate authority. These differences may cause a problem in communication as most middle or senior managers are Veterans or Baby Boomers and they would expect their employees to respect authority and communicate formally. Generational diversity also has an impact on work methods that may affect communication. Veterans and Baby Boomers prefer team work as they believe that by communicating with each other and sharing ideas they may develop new and innovative ideas that may increase the productivity of the organisation (Azaroff 200 6).The author further states that Generation X and Y prefer working individually as they consider team work to be unproductive. The author also notes that Generation Y will not be communicating much with others if they are assigned team work. Technology is another aspect of communication being affected by generational diversity. Kyles (2005) states the Veterans and Baby Boomers were born before technology was implemented and as a result they are not accustomed and do not rely on technology to communicate.The author further states that they prefer face to face communication, phone calls or written letters as opposed to E-mails. Generation X and Y were born during the time of technological advancements and modernisation of industries (Kyles 2005). As a result, they prefer electronic means of communication such as E-mails and Instant messaging. These small differences affect effective communication in an organisation. Filtering of information is a barrier to effective communication as the information being relayed has been altered. Filtering an be defined as, the distortion or withholding of information to manage a persons reactions (Butschi & Steyn 2006). The authors state that filtering can be intentional or accidental and it prevents members of an organization from getting the actual facts of a situation . Managers should note that filtering of information does not only affect effective communication but also the morale of employees (Tourish & Robson 2003). The authors further explain by stating that employees may have insecurities if they discover that information is being withheld from them .Filtering of information is also used to make information relayed appear more favourable to the intended person (Butschi & Steyn 2006). Another reason to frequent filtering of information in an organisation is to reduce information overload. Tourish & Robson (2003) state that many individuals have certain capacity to process information. The authors note that accidental filtering of information is common when employees or managers have an overload of work. They further state that time is another reason for the filtering of information.For example, employees or managers tend to summarise information if they are in a rush. Filtering of information, be it intentional or accidental, can lead to miscommunications in an organisation as information is translated or interpreted differently creating different versions. Managers should have a system to overcome these communication barriers as it will greatly affect the organisations productivity and performance. Managers can develop an effective system of communication by promoting the use of simple and unbiased language, promoting active listening and giving constructive feedback.Therkelsen & Fiebich (2001) state that effective communication is achieved when information is relayed and understood accurately. The authors further state that by using simple and clear words instead of ambiguous wo rds and jargons information will be understood and relayed easily. The authors also state that words used should not be biased as it may be offensive to others. For example, instead of saying cleaning lady or cleaner, people should address them as maintenance worker. Managers should provide employees with guidelines on standard of speech and conduct to improve communication within the organisation.Managers should promote active listening because information is misunderstood in many occasions. Therkelsen & Fiebich (2001) state that there is a difference between listening and hearing. The authors define listening as, hearing with proper understanding of the message that is relayed. The authors also note that a sender may strive to deliver a message clearly. But the receivers ability to listen effectively is equally vital to successful communication. Listening takes practice and concentration and the only way to get practice is by communicating with people often (Therkelsen & Fie bich 2001).Managers and employees should give constructive feedback to each other as often as possible. Feedback does not have to be formal or verbal but it has to be constructive. Tourish & Robson (2003) state that constructive feedback helps people understand their mistakes and increases morale. The authors also state that even negative feedback can be delivered constructively. They also note that constructive feedback will lead to effective communication between managers and employees. Adopting these methods will increase effective communication with the organisation without compromising its productivity or performance.In conclusion, promoting effective communication with an organisation is not a simple task. However, by identifying and overcoming the barriers systematically, effective communication can be achieved. This essay has defined and described communication in relation to management and has identified cultural diversity, generational diversity and filtering of informa tion as barriers to effective communication. Furthermore, examples have been used to show how to overcome these barriers without affecting the productivity and performance of the organisation. ReferencesAzaroff, R. 2006, Ideas for managing a multigenerational workforce, Federal Computer Week, vol. 20, no. 31, pp. 56-56. Bambacas, M & Patrickson, M 2008, Interpersonal communication skills that enhance organisational commitment, Journal of Communication Management, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 51-72 Butschi, G & Steyn, B. 2006, Theory on strategic communication management is the key to unlocking the boardroom, Journal of Communication Management,vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 106-109. Kyles, D. 2005, Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce, Strategic Finance, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 52-55. Lin , L, 2006, Cross-cultural Communications and Pragmatics Principle, Cross-cultural Communication, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. n/a Mikitka, M. J. 2009, Managing the Multi-Generational Workforce, Material Handling Managemen t, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 11-11. Robbins, S, DeCenzo, D, Coulter, M, Woods, M, 2011, Management The Essentials, 1st edn, Pearson Australia. Tagreed, I. K. 2012, Cross-cultural Differences in Management,International Journal of Business and Social Science,vol. 3, no. 6, pp. n/a Therkelsen, D. J. & Fiebich, C. L. 010, Message to desired action A communication effectiveness model, Journal of Communication Management, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 374-390. Tolbize, A, 2008, Generational differences in the workplace, Research and Training Center on Community Living, University of Minnesota, viewed on 19 August 2012, <rtc. umn. edu/docs/2_18_Gen_diff_workplace. pdf> Tourish, D. & Robson, P. 2003, Critical upward feedback in organisations Processes, problems and implications for communication management,Journal of Communication Management,vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 150-167.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Harley Davidson Marketing Strategy Essay

1. Executive demeanor- threateningsetHarley Davidson is an American motorcycle comp each founded in 1903 by William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson. In the avocation 108 years of business, the Harley Davidson business has endured the peaks and troughs of economies to be recognised as an iconic place in the motorcycle assiduity. After breaking records on the race track, Harley Davidson secures contracts to tack on 60000 motorcycles American military during World War II, exposing thousands of servicemen to the Harley Davidson smear. Through clever trade and dappleing, Harley Davidson has shed the bearded biker human body, and now appeals to people from varying backgrounds all everywhere the globe. The following report willing provide a situational analysis of the Harley Davidson occupy at Comp both and discuss some of the grocerying strategies that have enabled Harley Davidson to adapt to its merchandise place and pee-pee guest devotedty rargsolely seen in immediat elys business environment.Oliver as cited in Sorce (2002) discusses the aspects of developing node loyalty, and tetrad elements that ar necessary in order to do this 1. The produce essential be perceived as superior by a biggish enough segment of the firms customers in order to be profitable. 2. The product must be subject to adoration (or focused commitment). 3. The product must have the ability to be embedded in a social network. 4. The firm must be willing to expend resources to create the village (Sorce, 2002). The discussions in the following report will establish without head that Harley Davidson has in fact achieved a remarkable level of customer loyalty. By creating this loyalty Harley Davidson engages their customers and enables them to focus on developing long term relationships with them. It would be easy to say that Harley Davidson is a social club that sells motorcycles. In truthfulness they argon not just selling motorcycles, they are creating images of a lifestyle the motorcycle is merely a representation of this image. The motorcycle does not project the image it fills the image. (Frat, Dholakia & Venkatesh, 1995)2. Situational analysis2a.StrengthsHarley Davidson is fortunate to consent a foodstuff position that boasts multiple strengths and opportunities that say-soly outweigh their threats and weaknesses. In 2010 Harley Davidson gained approximately 55% of the knockout encumbrance motorcycle mart in the regular army, a marginal approach pathion from 2009 and substantially higher than 2008 (Harley Davidson, 2011). This is a promising trend in sparingally uncertain times. The brand recognition of Harley Davidson continues and remains a distinct emolument over its competition, especially in the American market. In new-fashioned years, Harley Davidson has do a concerted effort in targeting a wider represent of customers with their range of motorcycles. By the end of 2010 Harley Davidson has withal become the number 1 marketer of heavy weight motorcycles to women, Hispanics and African-Americans.Another success has been in a market of which they had been previously criticised for not targeting tumefy, young adults between the ages 18-34 as of 2010 they now hold that number 1 position as well (HD, 2011). There is dinky doubt that the real success in target selling has been the knowledge of the Harley Owners Group (HOG). HOG membership is given with all leveragings of a refreshed Harley Davidson motorcycle affording the members benefits such as roadside assistance, HOG magazine, Fly and ride rental deals, touring information and event information. The HOG group sums it up well on their website the Harley Owners Group is more than just a motorcycle organisation. It is single million people around the reality united by a common passion making the Harley-Davidson dream a management of life (HD, 2011). 2b.WeaknessesAlthough the USA market is very strong for Harley Davidson, they are making slack off progress in gaining market share in the supranational market. The customer loyalty that Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA is challenged internationally by rival heavy weight manufacturers such as BMW, Triumph,Honda and Kawasaki. Internationally, europium has the largest demand for heavy weight motorcycles in which Harley Davidson has only negociated to acquire less(prenominal) than 13% of this lucrative market (HD, 2011).2c.OpportunitiesOne of Harley Davidson biggest opportunities is intrinsically linked to its major weakness. Internationally thither is a large bit of a very big pie that Harley Davidson has not managed to attain. Although Harley Davidson has less than 13% of the heavy weight motorcycle sales in Europe, they manage to hold the number 2 be in this market. This ranking indicates that no one competitor owns the heavy weight market in Europe and suggests that the customer loyalty amongst the competitors is far from what Harley Davidson enjoys in the USA. Having achieved the number one ranking for sales to women, Harley Davidson still have a large potential customer base in attracting more women passengers. Since 2007 Harley Davidson has doubled its marketing spend and released bikes more suited to women riders, who now account for 12% of Harley Davidson sales in the USA (Clothier, 2010). 2d.ThreatsAside from the usual threats posed by competitors in the heavyweight market, Harley Davidson will face the same threat that looms for most manufacturers sparing uncertainty. Although the current economic situation in the USA is unlikely to threaten the current Harley Davidson market share in its core market it whitethorn certainly threaten its financial stability. The loyal customers in the USA whitethorn not raise away from Harley Davidson, but they will be more likely to match their planned upgrades and apparel purchases. The economic threats in the international market may pose a more serious threat to Harley Davidson. Not only are th ere financial constricts present in all international markets, but they are more susceptible to fluctuations in foreign switch over rates. If these pressures cause Harley Davidson dealers to close their doors it can lead to a downward pressure on motorcycle prices, reduced retail coverage, reduced servicing capabilities and a general negative impression on Harley Davidson as a brand. (HD, 2011)3. Analysis of Harley Davidson Case StudyJoanne Bischmann, VP of Marketing for Harley-Davidson identifies the comp boths value suggestion by stating We fulfil dreams inspired by the many roads of the world by providing extraordinary motorcycles and customer experiences. We fuel the passion for freedom in our customers to express their own individuality (Pearson Prentice Hall,2011). The viewer is left with a clear understanding that Harley Davidson is not just near selling motorcycles they are selling visions and lifestyles. It is interesting to note that even Joanne Bischmann has been sold on this she explains roundly that she would rather give up most other things than her Harley. It is also familiar for other Harley Davidson executives to attend HOG rallies, enabling them to not only get a feel for their product, but develop an understanding of the people that purchase their product. (Berry, 2002) There is little doubt that one of Harley Davidsons greatest successes in its marketing strategies has been the conception of the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G). H.O.G has given Harley Davidson continued and authorised access to their customers and helped the company to create a definite brand community.By establishing this brand community, H.O.G has nurtured a relationship between the customer and the company, the brand, the companys products and importantly, gadfly customers. The rallies and functions organised by H.O.G has brought customers and groups together unrelated in any way other than the mutual appreciation of a Harley Davidson product (MacAlexander, Schouten &a mp Keoning, 2002). In insideng this Harley Davidson has managed to deliver on the promises of benefits in their value proposition, making it a reality rather than just words. Harley Davidson has developed a customer loyalty that would mould most manufacturers envious. Through clever strategic marketing Harley Davidson has established a quality product that provides the loyal consumer with exactly what they are seeking. In union they have created a following of uncoiled Friends as described by Armstrong and Kotler (2011) The firm wants to make continuous relationship investments to delight these customers and nurture, retain, and grow them. It wants to acidify true friends into true believers who come back regularly and tell others about their experience with the company. It would be thorny to match the above definition any closer than H.O.G manages to do so.They bring together passionate individuals and groups who are fiercely loyal to the Harley Davidson brand. It would be di fficult to believe that the members do not come up lyrical about their adventures and travels with H.O.G delivering a whole new range of potential customers to Harley Davidson. When considering the Harley Davidson brand community it seems likely that the groups Armstrong and Kotler (2011) term Strangers or Barnacles would account for a minimal share of their customer base. With the presence of so many True Friends, Harley Davidson has undoubtedly established a customer equity base of great proportion. It is not only the fact that a Harley owner is a loyal fan approximately 75% of them are repeat buyers. The customers have bought in to the romance and lifestyle of the brand supporting the idea that investment in a Harley is more than financial and the role of the bike is more than utilitarian (Schembri, 2008). In addition to the customer equity, this principle may in get lead to actual financial equity as indicated by MacAlexander et al. (2002) many loyal customers have a te ndency to invest in the companys stock, their emotional investment in the welfare of the company and a desire to contribute to the success of the company.Although the customer loyalty doer no doubt accounts for substantial customer equity for Harley Davidson, the fact that they manufacture a quality product is of even more importance. If the product was not starting time rate, no amount of marketing would be able to attract new buyers and convince current consumers to repurchase motorcycles. Harley Davidson has make changes to its product range in order to meet the demands of what they call their outreach customers. By introducing a range of motorcycles that are more suited to women buyers they have been able to attain the number 1 status in that market. Some models of their Sportster range have had the seats get down and weights reduced by 150lbs in order to appeal to the woman rider (HD, 2011). 4. RecommendationsHarley Davidson USA and Europe are the key business regions for th e company, accounting for 83% of the new motorcycle sales in 2010 (HD, 2011). It will be difficult to significantly grow the business in the USA due to their already large market share and the continuing unsettled economic conditions. 36 Harley Davidson dealers in the USA closed during 2010 with more stores expected to close during 2011 (HD, 2011). If any business growth is to be seen in the USA market, the outreach customers will be the likely sector that can contribute towards this. Harley Davidson penurys to keep guidance on the outreach customers and target their marketing to this group. There is still significant live for growth in the international market for Harley Davidson. The major risk factor associated with this market will also be the uncertainty in the economic conditions. Europe financial instability will be of concern to any company wishing to grow any business in non-essential items. It may be prudent of Harley Davidson to wait and see how the European market s recover from recent stresses. With Europe being the largest international market of heavy weight vehicles (HD, 2011), Harley Davidson need to keep a strong presence in the region. In particular, there seems to be good potential in targeting the outreach customers in this region. Harley Davidson Finance also has some potential to grow in the near future. Internal finance options for buyers is important the business and the likelihood that financing options for buyers will be made easier due to this option.5. ReferencesArmstrong, Gary and Kotler, Philip 2011, Marketing an introduction, 10th edition (pp. 50-51), Pearson Prentice Hall, USA. Oliver, Richard L. (1999). Whence Consumer consignment? diary of Marketing, 63, 33-44 Sorce, P. (2002). Relationship marketing A research monograph of the printing industry center at RIT. New York, USA Rochester Institute of engine room Firat, F., Dholakia, N. & Venkatesh, A. (1995). Marketing in a postmodern world. European diary of Marketi ng, 29, (1) 40-46 Harley Davidson Inc. (2011). Harley Davidson Inc. 2010 annual report. Retrieved from http//www.harley-davidson.com/en_US/Content/Pages/home.html Clothier, M. (2010, September 30). Why Harley is showing its feminine side. Bloomberg calling Week. Retrieved from www.businessweek.com Pearson Prentice Hall (Producer). (2011). Creating & capturing customer value Video. USA. Berry, L. (2002). Relationship marketing of services perspectives from 1983 and 2000. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 1, (1) 59-77 MacAlexander, J., Schouten, J. & Koening, H. (2002). Building brand community. Journal of Marketing, 66, 38-54 Schembri, S. (2008). Reframing brand experience The experiential meaning of HarleyDavidson. Journal of Business Research. doi 10.1016/j.jbusres.2008.11.004

Abortion: Teenage Pregnancy

Alyssa Gonzalez Prof. Carter ENC 9020 11-3-09 Teenage Pregnancy E trulyday we substantiate or hear ab tabu a teenage young lady expectant. When were teenagers we gaint realize the long term effect on insecure sex. Not only getting meaning(a) nevertheless picking up sexual transmitted diseases. There are many effects on teenage pregnancy emotional and physical. Teenage pregnancy is the number genius problem in the United States on why kids drop out of school. Right now kids are having sex at a very young age and non using protection and getting pregnant causing young girls to drop out of school and not getting an education. In those cases the kids of the teenage moms usually end up being messed up because there parents were so young they dont have that a great deal of an education because they dropped out. Schools and parents encourage abstinence from all sexual activity but these days girls think the only way to prove to there companion or just a hook up that they unifor m them is by having sex. Resulting in pregnancy if not using a condom or not on birth control or if those fail. Now girls and guys like having sex because its fun and it feels good not worrying so untold about the consequences.Teenage pregnancy can be very nerve-racking of course for the girl to having to decide whether or not to keep the baby, how to bring off with motherhood or whether to make an adoption plan. The biggest effect a girl faces is the body changing during pregnancy and there lifestyle. Because most teenagers are drunkenness underage, smoking, lack of sleep, and unhealthy diet that can have a prejudicial effect on the baby. Emotional teenage girls have a high risk on health issues then an older women, such as anemia, pregnancy induced hypertension, toxemia, premature elivery, cervical trauma, and even death. Teenage girl is more likely to be undernourished and suffer premature and elongated labor. Many of these risks is because a lack of parental guidance. When a teenager is pregnant it also has an effect on the society of being pregnant age your in school and unwed. People in our society seem to destine the young girls that become pregnant and cast them aside. In peoples minds its that you have to be married out of school and have a house to be able to have a kid when thats really not the case anymore.

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Comparison of the Influential Role of the Chorus in Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Medea

A comparison of the influential role of the choir line in Sophocles Antigone and Euripides Medea It has been verbalise by Napoleon Hill, Think twice before you speak, because your words and play will purposet the seed of either success or ill in the mind of another. This has been put to use in the plays Antigone by Sophocles and Medea by Euripides. The let out line which was an integral part of ancient Greek romp was utilise in the dramas to play an influential role. However, the group they in general influenced contrasted and thence will be explored in the essay.The refrain in Antigone is composed of Theban manpower who were summoned by the newly crowned king Creon. Its inter live up to was mainly with Creon. Sophocles has shown a relation mingled with the chorus and Creon, both being middle-aged and wise men of Thebes. They be introduced rejoicing the victory of Thebes over Argos. As the play develops they get actively involved commenting on every action and decis ion of the main actors. Its support wavers from Creon to Antigone during the course of the play. The women of Corinth formed the chorus in Eurpides Medea. They chiefly served as a commentator to the play.Euripides has shown a relation between the chorus and the character they interact the most, Medea, as both belonged to the group of women backing in the male-dominated social club. The involvement of chorus has been minimized after Medea asks them not to come in in her action of revenge towards Jason. The chorus feeling sympathetic towards Medea gives her their ap dig up on the future happenings in the play, I will. You are right to ac go to bedledge revenge on your husband. Being women and able to understand Medeas miseries, the chorus was moved to such an extent that they supported Medea, a foreigner to their field in devouring the daughter of their ruler.This shows them primarily as women before advanced subject of Creon. Both Sophocles and Euripides harbour used the ch orus to influence the auditory modality. They bedevil conveyed emotions the writer emergencys the audience to feel for the proceedings of the play. The chorus has excessively been used to influence the minds of the actors. The chorus in Antigone has little role in influencing the emotions of the audience. They accede the play and introduce Creon to the audience also creating a doubt in the mind of the viewers of his immediate plans which made him call the old Theban men.The chorus is also given the responsibility of informing the viewers of the stance of Ismene over her sister being caught denying the law. They introduce Ismene as, Here comes Ismene from the palace, Shedding a fond sisters tears. Her face is flushed This is different from what was find in the opening scene where Ismene besides refusing to help Antigone with the burial also warned her of the consequences of her act preeminent to Antigone telling her, you will earn my hatred . opus Creon and Haemon are fightin g over Creons decision of executing Antigone, Haemons fiancee, the chorus justifies both their points for the audience. The play ends with chorus last words with the pass the writer has tried to convey through the drama. The chorus takes its responsibility of burying the dead mend propagating the importance of wisdom. They also criticize Creons surcharge and arrogance associating with Zeus hatred towards boasts of a proud tongue . The chorus in Medea in the first scene provokes the feeling of sympathy towards Medea from the audience when they say, I dont like the family suffering.I sympathise with them. This conveys the belief to the audience that the society is sympathetic towards Medea thus she indeed has been done keen wrong by Jason. Further in the play when Creon banishes Medea and her sons from the kingdom and gives them solo one day in Corinth, the chorus enlightens the audience of the troubles she faces after being banished from the land which gave her refuge. This increases the sense of sympathy from the audience towards Medea. The chorus emphasizes, What an impassable ocean of troubles, Medea, God has launched on you Later in the play when Medea confides about her plan of killing Jasons new wife, the chorus accepts her decision and supports her completely in taking her revenge. But when Medea tells them that she is also planning to kill her sons to punish Jason, the let loose reacts in a way the audience should have as only it, the chorus and the audience know about her plans, Since you have confided this to us We want to help you, but we cant reject The laws of human life. We say, breakt do this The chorus also shows curiosity when Medea goes inside her erect to kill her sons.The same feeling would have developed among the audience to know whether she is actually committing the sin. The chorus in Antigone also plays the major role of influencing the decisions of Creon and qualification Antigone realize her mistake. After listening to t he sentry about the burial of Polyneices, the chorus, superstitious in nature proclaim suggest Creon, Lord, all this time my thoughts have been saying that this might be the work of the gods This was the first attempt of the chorus to influence Creon to take back his decision of not giving Polyneices a respectful burial.However, this was only responded with anger by Creon who warned the chorus that they might prove it insane and senile as the Gods will not give an dear burial to the person who came to burn their temples and pillars. Creon had decided to prosecute Ismene along with Antigone they was then the chorus who questioned him about Ismene who was not involved in the burial leading to a change in mind and Ismene being set on the loose(p). The chorus and Antigone have a long conversation after Antigone is declared to be hanged. The chorus informs her that she departs from the world with a glorious finale.When Antigone compares herself to the Gods, the chorus informs her that she has not resembled the goddess Niobe in her life but they is honorable for her to die like gods. The chorus pressing on her that she is at fault as she defied the royal orders and make Antigone ricochet on the curse on her family regarding marriages. First, her mother married her son, followed by her death just before her marriage. The prophecy by Teiresias leaves a doubt in Creons mind and they are the chorus who give her the advice to Go and free the girl from her cell of rock, and set up a tomb for him who lies unburied. Creon takes this advice and he rushes to the place of Antigones assassination. Hence, a strong influence of the Theban men can be seen on the main characters of the play Antigone. The influence of the chorus in Medea over the characters is negligible as the women only serve as commentators over every action and decision. The chorus attempts to influence Medea not to kill her sons when she confides her plan to them. However, Medea turns down their advice wit hout much consideration. This shows the negligible impact of the chorus on the character.Both the plays were written in ancient Greek times when the society was dominated by men. As the chorus of Antigone consisted of men, they had an active role in the play, their advice was sought, their opinions were heard and they were respected. On the other hand, the chorus of Medea consisting women played a nonoperational role talking to itself and the audience most of the times. Their interruptions in conversations were ignored by the other characters. They also portrays the feministic views of Euripides.They sympathized with Medea and supported her in her decision to avenge Jason for betraying her. They condemned men, who are unfaithful to the wives, a thought common in most women. Therefore, while in Antigone, the chorus has a major influence on the actors, the chorus of Medea mainly influences the audience. Sources referred http//ancienthistory. about. com/od/greekliterature/a/GreekTheat er_4. htm http//www. sparknotes. com/drama/antigone/characters. hypertext markup language http//www. shmoop. com/medea/themes. html http//www. shmoop. com/antigone-sophocles/themes. html

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Anne Fausto-Sterling’s “The Five Sexes”

Exploring the Social Standards of come alive and Gender There be several sources that tell a some unrivaled how to be a soldiery or woman. Science tells us by recognizing the X or Y chromosomes. The media shows us through the physically nonesuch celebrities that grace the coers of magazines and flaunt their bodies in commercials. Sports, wrestling, cars, and blue for the boys. Dresses, make-up, painted nails, and pink for the girls. all(prenominal) of these sources, as well as others, have evolved into an expectation that has become commit in spite of appearance society.This expectation, is placement and belonging into the binary system of person the man or the woman. In Anne Fausot-Sterlings acrticles The volt Sexes and the The louvre Sexes, Revisited, the binary system is assailable as being faulted. The author explores the harsh physical and psychological be that come with the conforming to social monetary standards. In ordain to understand this phenomena, an render ing of the exemplification body, and how that is dod is holded. Also, an explanation of any deviation to what is ideal, and how those pot are treated, are important in understanding societys standards of ride and gender.Fausto-Sterling explains the ideal make-up of a man and a woman. Males have an X and a Y chromosome, testes, a penis and all of the appropriate internal plumbing system for delivering urine and semen to the external world. They also have well-known tributary sexual characteristics, including a muscular build and facial hair. Women have 2 X chromosomes, ovaries, all of the internal plumbing to transport urine and ova to the outside world, a system to support pregnancy and fetal development . (The Five Sexes, Revisited2). In the idealized world, Fausto-Sterling points out how human beings are a dimorphic species, that is, two kinds. Science takes into account the biological DNA sequence of chromosomes to de shapeine antheral or fe manly. The genitalia of a pe rson, his/her biological parts, are the ocular factors. This is reinforced by the celebrities whose ideal bodies are worshiped by society. yet what around people who fall in between? Besides the genders male and female, on that point is also intersexed. Within that group of intersexed, thither are subgroups.Fausto-Sterling explains this in her The Five Sexes Why Male and Female are Not Enough Firstly, the term intersex is used in medical literature to describe the so-called true hermaphrodite (possesses one testis and one ovary), the male androgynous (possess testes and some aspects of the female genitalia, but no ovaries), and female pseudohermaphadites (possess ovaries and some aspects of the male genitalia but lack testes). I had no idea that there were subgroups to the intersexed.Due to social conformity, along with the advancement of technology and running(a) procedure intersexed persons are aimed to be fixed at birth. Although otherwise healthy, there is a need to perfo rm operating theater on the baby in order to consider certain sexual organs that dont fit with the perfect idea of what a girl or boy should look like. This often leaves scars, and the psychological and aroused confusion along with it. The Five Sexes Revisited focused on the importance of therapy over surgery. Medical ethicist Laurence B.McCullough of the Center for Medical Ethics and Health insurance policy at Baylor Collefe of Medicine in Houston, Texas contended that in the process of assigning gender, physicians should smirch what he calls irreversible assignments taking steps such as the surgical removal or modification of gonads or genitalia that the longanimous may one day want to have reversed. (4) It is a solemn gamble to perform corrective surgery and assign a sex shortly after birth because although that claw may grow to drive his/her gender identity, there is no guarantee.The consequences of that gamble can cost the patient a lifetime of psychological trauma. T he debate on the dangers/benefits of corrective surgery is strong no both sides. To argue in favor of it, one must remember how it was growing up. Children, more-so than adults, want to fit it. There actually is, however, a yearning to fit in as a child growing up. As an intersexed child, sufficient in would be nearly insurmountable because of his/her confusion of self.Sterlings insights on what pushed people to surgically alter themselves in order to comply to what society has determined to be ideal. The media constantly reinforces what a man should look like and what a woman should look like, and these, sometimes unrealistic, notions of ideal bodies, distorts people. It reflects how society forces people into a box, and judges anyone who do not fit into that box. These dilemmas stem from a society flawed sense of standard genders, and why a flipper sex system is a gratifying suggestion.Anne Fausto-Sterlings notion of a five sex system stems from the culture in which we live. There is a cultural idea that mandates that there are precisely two standards, man and woman, and everything in between is a deviation that necessarily to be fixed. In The Five Sexes, Revisited, Fausto-Sterling makes an analogy to the placement of intersexed and transgendered people. She says that masculine and feminine, cannot be parsed as some kind of continuum. Rather, sex and gender are better conceptualized as points in a multidimensional space.5) This is a fitting mode to look at gender variation, unfortunately however, that is not the way society sees as the standard. This standard has been institutionalized within modern culture, and begins direct at birth, and continues throughout life. Newborns are given a blue mantle if a boy, and a pink one if a girl. Bathrooms are every for men, or for women, with a cartoon figure to represent each. Passports, birth certificates, number one wood licenses, and other official documents, all require a declaration of male or female. There are no in-betweens.While the introduction of five sexes is sure as shooting a noble idea, its practicality is limited. In Fausto-Sterlings The Five Sexes Revisited, the author postulated that 1. 7% of the global population is intersexed. That being said, introducing five sexes would call for a revamping of the infrastructures and institutions that were built on the binary system of sex and gender. The process would be costly and timely. Introducing the five sexes institutionally may seem out of reach, at least within the foreseeable future, however, its recognition certainly is not.Accepting the five sexes is progress. It can be equal to the institutionalization of segregation in the United States. Segregation, the separation of black and white, was so embed into the culture and laws of the United States that nobody ever imagined it would be done with. But through the determination of civil rights movements, segregation became illegal. Through the same determination, LGBQT would be able to achieve the same sense of acceptance, but it wont happen overnight, and likely not even in our lifetime.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

To What Extent Was Stalins Reign Successful

Throughout the sove towerty of Stalin he was able to establish himself as a successful dictator by means of totalitarian rule. He became the noncontroversial leader of the USSR and the factors that enabled him to do so were Industrialisation, his social policies and his ability to defeat Hitler in earthly concern War Two. However, by means of Stalins political c arer he excessively encountered many failures. These were Collectivism, the purges and the terror he caused by the batch lifetime in Russia during his prevail. Stalins reign was successful through Industrialisation.He modernised intentness by introducing the 5-Year Plans, which consisted of two plans. The first plan from 1928 to 1933 and the second to 1932 to 1937 and they had the aims of improving the Russian industry. Many of the regions of the USSR were backward. Stalin c each backd that to be backward was to be defeated and enslaved, but if you are powerful people must beware of you. There were many successes o f the 5-year plans. The USSR was false into a modern state, which was able to resist Hitlers invasion and as well as that there began to be a genuine communistic enthusiasm displayed among the young Pioneers.There were huge drastic improvements in the industry the widening was projected to increase by an enormous 180% over 5 years and there were also huge achievements in coal, steel and hydroelectric power productions. The targets he had set were impossibly high however Stalin believed that he could force a nation to meet them. Overall throughout his reign he achieved fantastic successes, but at a big gentlemans gentleman cost, and while industrial output soared, the production of consumer goods remained static.A nonher way Stalin was successful during his reign was through his social policies. In 1936, Stalin published a tender constitution. Soviet citizens were granted the right to a job, social security, equality, health care and education. They were also promised freedom of speech and right of a fair trial. Before this, later on the 1917 revolution, there had been a lot of social changes however, Stalin returned the USSR to traditional values that related to the communist rules and regimes.Despite this, there was an increase in the number of women entering the workforce and child -minding services were set up in every milling machinery to accommodate the needs a woman. Women had more rights given to them and the educational systems dramatically improved leaving to key successes. Stalin ultimately wanted the people to believe that strong leadership was good for the USSR and through this time he was seen in a very positive light. Evidently, through the introduction of new-fangled social policies, Stalin was successful during his reign over Russia.By having the ability to defeat Hitler in World War Two, Stalins reign was successful. Hitler at the time was attempting to intrude on the Soviet Union, and Stalin kept retreating into the Soviet territory . After many fightings within the Soviet Territory, Hitler began to realise that the Soviets were beginning to win battles. The broken troops in 1941 were replaced with new soldiers that were willing to defend the motherland. While Hitler was pouring more of his militia into the battle, Stalin just began to scratch the surface of his reserves leaving him with more troops.After the battle of Stalingrad over 91,000 of Hitlers army had been captured and their supply line was cut. The Red host pushed the Nazi forces back to Berlin in 1945 and in The Battle of Berlin The Red the States took control over Berlin, which is Germanys capital. Through his leadership skills and having the ability to not lose his nerve and stay in Moscow when Germany was closing in he was able to defeat Hitler in World War Two, simply making Stalins reign successful. However, Stalin had many failures throughout his reign, one of which was through collectivism.Stalin had a strong desire to modernise agri fad ure, which led him to collectivise the farms of Russia, colligation them and putting them under full state control. Stalin thought he postulate to collectivise farms because Soviet agriculture was backward, food was needed for workers in towns and this was meaty if the five-year plans were to succeed. The NEP wasnt working, by 1928 the USSR was short of 20 zillion grains that were needed to grant the people in towns. Another reason Stalin collectivised agriculture was because the Kulaks unconnected communism, as they liked their private wealth. The Kulaks hid food from the government collectors and became very potent on peasants, so therefore, Stalin wanted to destroy them. From this came disastrous implications which included the decrease of stock, an example of this is in 1928, 73 Tons of Grain was produced however, in 1933 this routine fell to 69 Tons of Grain produced. This lead to a paucity because there wasnt enough food for the people of the USSR and in 1923, 33 mil lion Russians died as a result of the famine.Another failure was that the Kulaks were eliminated, however, in Stalins eyes this was a major success. Overall through collectivism Stalin undergo a failure through his reign. Another failure during Stalins reign was through the Great Purges. At fist the actions of the purges were limited to removing membership card. However, it became much more brutal as it escalated quickly as it spread out onto the majority of the population. One out of eighteen in the USSR was accused, put on trial and then either sent into exile of executed.Some of the most genuine minds in the government were killed because they didnt agree with the policies Stalin put forward. Purging of the officers in the army in the 1930s also weakened the Red Army, which caused the crinkle and loss of Western Russia to Nazi forces in 1941. Through all of what the great(p) purges caused another failure for Stalins reign. Through the terror that Stalin caused onto the peop le of Russia, people lived in fear of him, which became a failure of his career. Stalin believed that Russia had to be united, with him as a leader if it was to be strong.He also believed that Russia has 10 years to catch up with the western world before Germany invaded and because of this Stalin became extremely paranoid and power-mad. The results of Stalins implement terror was Russia came to dominate the whole of the USSR, the Orthodox Church was attacked and twenty million people were arrested. Most people lived in fear of the secret natural law and the industry grew as the terror caused provided free slave labour. A Stalin cult was formed and the army and navy weakened due to the purges of leading officers.Through all of these things he caused terror to the people of Russia making this a failure in Stalins reign. Overall, Stalins greatest success included becoming the unquestioned leader of the USSR through Industrialisation, his social policies and his ability to defeat Hit ler in World War Two, however this came a greater cost to the people of Russia by collectivisation, the Great Purges and the terror he enforced upon the people of Russia. So, therefore, Stalin was successful through his reign to some extent however he did have acts that hindered his success.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Concert Attendance Paper

MUS 121 Jeffrey Phelps, cello and lee side Jordan-Anders, quietly 14 October, 2012 Dr. Ford Tidewater Community College CA1 The plan Sonata in A Major, Opus 69 (1808)Ludwig van Beethoven Allegro, ma non tanto Scherzo, Allegro molto Adagio give noticetabile/Allegro vivace Sonata (1915) I. Prologue Lent, sostenuto e molto risoluto II. Serenade Moderement anime III. Final Anime, leger et nerveuxClaude Debussy The Concert On Sunday, 14 October, Jeffrey Phelps, cello and Lee Jordan-Anders, lenient, per bring ined Ludwig van Beethovens Sonata in A Major, Opus 69 (1808) and Claude Debussys Sonata (1915) at Trinity Methodist Church in Smithfield Virginia.After the introduction of the performers we were asked to hold all applause until the prohi modus operandi of each establish. The prototypical Sonata by Beethoven bears the heading of Inter Lacrimas et Luctum, signification Amid Tears and Sorrow. The first gesture, Allegro, ma non tanto, from Beethovens Sonata, opened with the cel lo resting on one note. The caliber of the cello as it began in a lower register was warm and rich, the footstep starting kind of slow. The sense of humour was mournful to me at the beginning and I had no idea what to expect. The cereal at the beginning of the first course was monaural.As the indulgent entered the parentage for some(prenominal) cello and mild was conjunctive with symmetrical phra chant. Here the cereal became polyphonic. The calibre color of the pianissimo seemed varied to me, alternating end-to-end the piece amidst vibrant and subdued. When the caprice was not nipping it became somber. The dynamics of twain instruments changed throughout this sweat, from indulgent to force and then piano once to a greater extent. The act of the crease was conjunct at the beginning of the piece and the outline of the breed was wave comparable, collapseicularly by the piano.This motion began in a major key then absolutely moved into a minor key, w pres ent the dynamics were fortissimo. The texture was polyphonic, the counterpoint producing a call and response, as if the cello and piano were holding a conversation. The strain had a narrow to fair pad in the beginning of this movement. repetition allowed all the origins to reappear throughout the movement, which is a trademark of the sonata. The cello and piano take turns performing small solo passages forrader veering remove to something else. At one point early in the piece I arrestd a homorhythmic texture when cello and piano played the truly(prenominal) notes together.After a desc decision origin from the piano the movement then becomes apart(p) with a wavelike contour. It seemed to me that when the melody in the cello ascended, the melody in the piano descended. It had a lyrical pique to it and it was beautiful. The symmetry, at this point, was stable in a major key as the cello took everyplace, characterized by a timbre that was dark. The caprice was one of m ourning and I could tint sorrow. It was interest to watch Phelps and Jordan-Anders subtly cue one another as the dynamics became pianissimo and the tempo adagio. In the lower registers both(prenominal) cello and piano had a timbre that was warm.In the upper registers it sounded fiery. The texture of the cello hither was monophonic with no piano. I was not expecting the explosive part that followed. At some four minutes into the movement the dynamics became fortissimo and I could hear the agreement in a minor key. The contour of the melody descended and was conjunct. in that respect was a return to a major key and the dynamics became piano for both instruments. The mood of this movement reminded me of yearning. The whole step color for the piano became pearlescenter here as the cello returned to the warm, rich sound like in the beginning.The contour of the melody was ascending and conjunct. This movement remained in duple meter throughout the piece. There was a return to count erpoint as both cello and piano played, using a polyphonic texture, the dynamics piano before returning to obstreperously. As the tempo became allegro the cello strings were force creating a timbre that was bright and a mood that was lively. There was a return to a monophonic texture for the cello and the dynamics became pianissimo. Since this movements form was ostinato, I perceive short melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic intents repeated.This piece was long, at twelve minutes, and at one point I stop taking notes, in awe of what I was hearing. The entire piece mat up symmetrical to me and was sing able throughout. Beethovens Sonata 3, Opus 69 nears a close with a texture that was heterophonic, dynamics that go from forte to piano and a bright tone color for cello and piano. The melody remained conjunct with a contour that was wavelike, by ascending and go down, especially for the piano. The tempo returned to allegro throughout this piece and ended with the dynamics returning to forte and the last examination cadence as the harmony resolved in consonance.The warrant movement of Beethovens Sonata in A Major, Opus 69 was Scherzo Allegro molto and began with Jordan-Anders performing the opening notes of the melody in a narrow range with a melodic movement that was conjunct. The texture here was monophonic for only a few measures. The timbre of the piano was bright and the harmony was minor. I comprehend the randomness movement in terzetto meter, and by the time the cello began to play there seemed to be a return to the polyphonic texture which was common in the first movement. The movement of the melody was disjunct with a medium range, the dynamics of the piano brushed (piano) and the tempo allegro.Phelps began playing in a dynamic that was piano which reflect the opening measures of the piano part, with a very interesting rhythm Im not sure how to describe. The rhythm was syncopated with a uniform emphasis on beat three of every measure with the se cond beat marked by silence. The timbre of the cello matt-up bright, plane in its lower register. There was an ostinato form in this piece and again, the cello and piano seemed to talk to each other, with a call and response pattern familiar in the first movement of this sonata.Movement two seemed to reach a dynamic climax halfway through which was forte, only to return to piano. The melody in the piano alternated between conjunct and disjunct and as the dynamics became crummyer the contour of the melody was ascending. The exchanges between the cello and piano created a lively mood throughout the movement and the texture once again became homorhythmic with a return to a polyphonic texture. I heard these textures throughout the Scherzo. The timbre of the piano and cello became sort of broad with very loud dynamics. The theme was repeated and again, ostinato was at play.The movement ended with dynamics of the piano forte, the cello and piano using a texture that was heterophonic, b ecause both instruments were playing in unison. The cello was plucked near the very end which created a scare away timbre. The piano again employed a dynamic that was piano. This piece was wide of manic energy that left me wanting to hear more. The word scherzo room joke but this lively little piece was anything but a joke The three movement of Beethovens Sonata in A Major, Opus 69, began with a short Adagio cantabile which started with the piano.The dynamics were soft. The texture of the piano at the very beginning was monophonic until the cello coupled in, and I heard a mixture of textures, but couldnt quite tell for sure what they were. At one point, early on, I heard both piano and cello playing in unison which do the mixed texture heterophonic as well as heterorhythmic. The melody for both cello and piano was conjunct with a movement that I heard as having a narrow range for the piano and a medium range for the cello. The meter was duple. The dynamic used is piano and the tempo was adagio.Even though the harmony was major, the mood of the first part felt quite melancholy to me. Remaining in duple meter, the movement shifted from the Adagio cantabile to the final Allegro vivace, the title a clue of what was to come The harmony remained in a major key however the tempo became lively (vivace) and the mood felt playful to me. The tone color of the cello was once again warm, as I am go throughing the cello to be. The timbre of the piano was bright and crisp as both instruments seemed to veer apart, trying to find a way to come back together. I felt fire when hearing this movement.The contour of the melody felt wavelike for both instruments, especially when scales were used, sometimes ascending, sometimes descending. The dynamics changed throughout this movement from soft to loud then back to soft again. I heard the movement of the piano as conjunct but wasnt sure slightly the cello. Again, ostinato is at play halfway through the movement and I thought I heard disagreement, as the piano and cello seemed to battle it out. The harmony sounded like it was in a minor key at this point, like the cello and piano were trying to find resolution. The timbre of the piano was piercing here.The tempo for both instruments became fast and the dynamics loud. Finally, the harmony reached consonance, after the cello repeats the first bar of the theme over and over again while the piano pounds out the accompaniment. The dynamics alternated between soft and loud, cello and piano ending on the final note in unison, the dynamics a galvanise forte. The first movement of Claude Debussys Sonata, Prologue Lent, sostenuto e molto risoluto, began with Lee Jordan-Anders solitary piano part that was homophonic in texture with a harmony that was minor. The tone color here was very dark, the mood quite somber.The course of instruction notes for this mathematical operation note this Sonata as the first of six projected sonatas for assorted instrumental com binations that Debussy was unable to complete due to the cancer that made his final years a adversity. This sonata was the first composition. I could feel his pain and misery as I listened to this work. The phrasing of the melody was symmetrical with a movement that was conjunct. This movement began with a dynamic that was forte. The texture of the piano was homophonic. The cello entered, with an ostinato form which repeated the part just heard by the piano, giving it a tone color that I heard as a bit subdued and dull.The melody ascended, then descended, only to ascend again creating a wavelike contour with a conjunct movement. The dynamics continued to be forte. The cello then played alone, giving a monophonic texture. I felt the mood to be sad here, the movement of the melody more conjunct with a medium range. The harmony was minor. The tone color was muted. The melody of the cello began to ascend, the dynamics piano. Here, the piano joined the cello and the mood started to feel agitated. I heard the harmony to be dissonant here as the dynamics became forte.The texture was homophonic here and the timbre of the cello broad. The melody in the cello descended and was conjunct. The dynamics were piano at this point in the sonata and the tempo andante. The movement came to an end with a shift in harmony from major to minor with an obvious slowing of tempo. The dynamics remained piano. The second movement of Claude Debussys Sonata, Serenade Moderement anime, began with the cello that had a tone color that was dull, near muffled as Phelps plucked the strings with his fingers, which is pizzicato. The melody was not sing able and I heard the harmony as dissonant.Im not sure about the meter, but I heard it as nonmetric because it felt weak to me. The dynamics at the beginning of this movement were pianissimo and the mood was one of distraction or agitation. The phrasing was not symmetrical and as the cello continued in the lower register the piano can be heard, als o playing in dissonance above the cello. I had a difficult time with this piece because technically it seemed all over the place. The timbre remained dark and gloomy. The melody became conjunct with a narrow range of three notes with the dynamics moving from soft to loud.The tempo was vivace at one point, even though this movements tempo was rather slow. The tone color of the cello became brighter, as a lone part played in a higher register, making the texture homophonic. This movement closed with a cello part that seemed to be looking for resolution, still with a minor harmony and it seemed to repeat the first part of the piece. The third movement, Final Anime, leger et nerveux, began in duple meter with the melody of the cello sounding sustained, then alternating between an ascending then descending movement, with a wavelike contour.The piano became very noticeable as Jordan-Anders began playing in a higher range that had a bright tone color. The melody was conjunct and wavelike, the phrasing symmetrical, for a short while. As the piano descended, the timbre of the cello once again became dull, as Phelps plucked the instrument. The mood turned dark and stormy once again as dissonance became prevalent. Im sure there were all kinds of technical things leaving on in this movement that my ear is not trained to detect.I could understandably hear the return to the earlier theme as both instruments reached a loud dynamic, the final note of the movement struck by both cello and piano. Even though this movement was played with mostly piano dynamics, I could hear a contrast between the changing moods, brought about mostly by frequently changing keys. It was a wonderful performance by Jeffrey Phelps and Lee Jordan-Anders and I am very glad I attended. I left the church remembering why I have a bun in the oven a soft spot for classical practice of medicine, something Ive not listened to very much in recent years, until I signed up for this music appreciation class.